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Howdy! I'm Maxwell Martin and I'm a Game Designer!

My most recent work involves working as a System Designer on an unannounced  RPG-Shooter (Original IP) designing and Blueprinting Characters, Weapon Gunplay, and Abilities in Unreal 5.

In the past, I worked on multiple educational projects with the focus on taking learning objectives and turning them into game mechanics; This including working on a game that was meant to help children with Dyslexia at Alula/Red Bird.

I have a Bachelors in Electrical Systems Engineering Technology from Texas A&M University. While here I was the President of Texas A&M Game developers.

My engineering background allows me to quickly pick up new software, while also approaching design from a systematic approach. I quickly learned as an engineer that you have to iterate quickly and know when to pivot, which is parallel to game design.

If you ever wanna talk about games just throw me a message and we can chat!

Graduated in 2021 with a Bachelors in Electronic Systems Engineering from Texas A&M University

I joined Texas A&M branch of IGDA ( International Game Developers Association ), which is what first introduced me to what game design really is. After my first semester, I became the vice president ( Now president ) and stayed committed to helping others learn about how to make games.


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