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The Eye of Zaun

A League of Legends champion concept based on an already existing character from Arcane (TV Series)





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Silco is a callous and ruthless man who will do anything to achieve his goals. He believes the only way to free Zaun from Piltover is through a bloody conflict and that power only comes to those who will forsake their own morals to achieve it. He is not afraid of having anyone who gets in his way killed.





Nation of Zaun


Silco gains stacking armor and magic resistance for each nearby ally. While no allied champions are near, Silco gains increased movement speed, ramping up over 2 seconds.


Silco cannot auto attack, but can mark targets with a bounty causing them to take increased damage. If Silco assists in the bounty takedown, he is awarded additional gold and can mark another target shortly after.



Abilities & Concerns

  • How does Silco's passive ability Nation of Zaun work?​

    • For this ability I wanted to capture the fact that Silco is not a fighter, rather a leader of a Nation.

    • Silco will gain armor and magic resistance for each ally including his Ultimate summon Sevika. In order to ensure he could also roam, he gains bonus movement speed when traveling alone. This bonus movement speed goes away when his armor/mr passive becomes active. To capture the idea of him being a crime lord who commands others to do his work, I wanted him to not do the fighting himself. To compensate for the lack of auto attacks, he can make any enemy champion take % increased damage, which scales based off his ap. Given he cannot get minion kills easily, he is also compensated with 350 gold on takedowns he assists on. 

  • How does Silco's  ability Foul Play (Q) work?

    • I wanted Silco to be a champion that plays dirty and punishes people who try to engage on him.

    • Silco's stab is a short range skill shot similar to Pyke's jab. The move hits the closest target to him and applies a 1 second stun. In order to make it feel dirty, and support the anti-engage move set I designed, I wanted him to punish supports like Leona and nautilus for diving in on him. This way he can turn their stuns against them and retreat. This move would also apply on-hit effects to make sure he could farm minions for support items.

  • How does Silco's  ability Create Dependency (W) work?

    • Given I want Silco to be a support, I wanted to create a unique way of healing allies that also related to shimmer. I thought of Mundo for this, given he clearly uses shimmer in the game.

    • Initially it was going to give an increase in maximum health like a Lulu ultimate, but I felt like giving a character an Ultimate level ability on a basic ability felt out of place. I decided an interesting concept that hasn't be done, which was giving an ally a short burst of health regen to gain back health, instead of a simple heal. I wanted this ability to function on either ad or ap, so giving them adaptive stats would allow this move to work in any situation.

  • How does Silco's ability Air of the Undercity (E) work?

    • Silco in the show references how bad the air is in Zaun and clearly shows that it can hurt people who are not used to it. I felt like this was a clear ability that could be captured in his kit.

    • The move would function similarly to akali's stealth field, but would effect allies and enemies. The main point of this move is to prevent engage onto allies by setting up a zone in the backline that could be potentially dangerous for enemies to go into. 

  • How does Silco's ultimate ability Criminal Empire (R) work?

    • When figuring out Silco's ultimate ability, I went between global effects that were amplified version of his ability to try and replicate creating Zaun, but it all felt like it left him defenseless in a situation where he is alone. This inspired me to create a summon move that would apply his passive to him and allow him to bring some damage to a fight, which Sevika worked perfectly.

    • This move would function similarly to Ivern's Daisy ability. The user would cast the move on a target, which would cause Sevika to do a running attack that bursts on impact at them. Sevika would then continue to auto attack them until retargeted or the enemy dies. If the target that dies is Silco's bounty target, she would be able to do her dash once again at a new target. Sevika has a health bar like Daisy, and can be defeated. Silco can also apply his health stem to her.

  • If Silco can't auto attack, how will he gain gold over the duration of the game?

    • The first concern was finding a fix to make sure he could gain gold from his support item without auto attacks. In order to fix this, I wanted Silco's Foul Play Move (Q) to apply on hit effects, so he could build Relic Shield and still earn gold through last hitting minions. If Silco wanted to build spell thief's, he would gain procs whenever damage is dealt to his marked target. While this will still cause him to gain less gold in lane compared to other supports, he is compensated for getting kills on the marked target. I also intended him to be able to quickly mark another target when his die, so he could potentially get gold for every kill in a team fight. 

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